Monday, January 12, 2009

Inverted Moon

A Full moon floats between black music,
Scripted stars.
Nodding synchronously,
Rotating heavy eyelashes.
Imagined dark seas of black liquid life.
But that was long ago,
In a time when the world was fantastically bigger,
A time when imagination and science competed for a crowned truth and imagination won.
A time when the dark pools of lethal basaltic lava were thought to be inviting pools of water.
Today we know better, we know smaller, we know science-
I know that the same moon dances on this earth, inside of her,
With the synchronized movement of her breath,
Between her stomach and the lining of her belly,
Bypassing the hollow inversion
Where her uterus once lived healthily
And happily willing to expand its walls and house new life.
Fear of abandonment,
Of further hollowing of her insides,
She moves further into herself.
Cradling empty space,
Rocking the notion of a grand finale,
A shooting star in her black night.

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